Updated color scheme

Hey Deskers. I updated the color scheme. Sorry for the big silence. Work got super busy but I’ve set down some time today to start dealing with website issues.

This was a big change as I miss the old yellow-orange-blue look. Felt very unique and in some ways a reference to my old San Diego Charges… but they ditched me for LA so I suppose it’s time to update. And people didn’t like the colors and were concerned about such trite things like eyes bleeding or something lame like that 😛

I’m not 100% sold on the colors but we can work on that with your feedback. Decided a rustic look would work. Especially given the content I write which is very not rustic. I don’t know. Whoever said I was sane was a liar. But yeah, give me feedback if you have it.

Next up is…. man… fixing just so many links. The obvious ones are the story links and the menu. I’ll probably start there.

You’re all awesome!

7 thoughts on “Updated color scheme”

  1. I’m not at all a fan of typing a comment in white text inside a white text box. I can’t even read what I’m typing without highlighting it. the rule of thumb is to have dark text on light backgrounds or light text on dark backgrounds. here you’ve got light text on a light background, which is painful. frankly, the old color scheme was better.

    1. My apologies. I didn’t even think my changes would affect how the text boxes work. I’ll do some research to see how to fix it because holy sugar that’s awful! Thanks so much for letting me know pretty quickly so I can fix this.

    2. There. Tell me what you think now. Did it make the text darker? I tried to go straight black but from what I saw it only would let me go to gray but it didn’t look like it had any issues before for me as well so it could be a “me” thing.

      1. This is dramatically better, and to my eyes it’s close enough to black for stuff to work just fine. the big thing is – I can see my text in the comment box as I type it! Yay! thank you.

  2. While I’ll miss the yellow and blue look, I can get down with this one too, which is definitely an improvement over the pattern of the old background image being a bad backdrop for text. If you ever want such a background again, it’d be best if it was layered below the sections with text so it won’t interfere with readability, which is how the old site is set up. Right now, the only issue I see with this color scheme is the gray text below the “Leave a Reply” prompt being very hard to see on the beige background, but I don’t know if that part of the comment system is within your control or something hardcoded into WordPress.

  3. I’m not sure what other people were complaining about but the *new* color scheme seriously hurts my eyes. I’m not sure what to suggest as an alternate but this beige thing is really painful with some of the other colors, and it also is hiding some key text eg the info that ‘your email will not be published. Required fields are marked *’ is nearly invisible in this color scheme.

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