Hope you had a Merry Christmas and a look into 2021

Hey Deskers!
I hope everyone here had a very Merry Christmas. Am I supposed to capitalize the M in “merry” like that? Not sure. Too lazy to check. XD

I’m currently away from my normal hovel and have been with family all holiday season which has done great things for me personally but hasn’t let me get as much writing as I hoped done. Still, got a good amount of work done on the next MGP chapter. I’ve hit a slight snag but nothing I can’t work out storywise.

Obviously 2020 was a tough year for everyone. For me it was a disappointment because I didn’t get anything nearly as well done as I wanted. The job change I had turned out to be more work than I thought it would be and I didn’t adapt well to the constant changes this year provided. It feels petty to complain about it when people are losing jobs and loved ones due to all this but I figure it best to be honest.

I have high hopes about next year though. I feel like I say that every year but it’s true. Maybe I’m just a hopeless optimist. XD Not that Robynne would agree given her situation.
I read a lot of books this year and one that really resonated with me was Atomic Habits. It really has me thinking about how I have approached my goals in the past and I’m going to be changing things up. I’m excited for the energy it’s bringing me.

Look for the new chapter sometime in the next two weeks. In the meantime my other big goal this year is I want to rekindle the flame of community. Heavens knows we could use more of that nowadays so I’m going to be more active on the discord going forward. I look forward to seeing you all there 🙂

Later days,

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