Even more work done.

We now have up to chapter 50 of MGP re-edited. However, some intrepid readers (Pizza and Dave, you both are rock stars!) have found more errors. So my plan has been modded. I’m going to get through to chapter 60, then go through the additional issues. THEN we will get back to regular writing with website bookkeeping between efforts.

Thanks again for all your feedback and patience during the move gang. You’re all awesome!

I feel like we should condition some artwork for the move though. Can anyone think of something appropriate?

2 thoughts on “Even more work done.”

  1. Can’t say I blame you for putting the editing project on the backburner in favor of getting back to regular writing for now. Any job involving over fifty chapters spread over almost nine years is going to be a big one. Whenever it’s time to get back to editing, though, I’ll be happy to help out again, and hopefully by that point I’ll have looked over the whole story with a fine-tooth comb to make a truly comprehensive list of stuff to fix..

    As for art ideas that’d commemorate the new site in some way, my first thought is something involving the main characters of your stories, perhaps alongside yourself. Now I’m getting the image of some sort of Taralynn’s Desk family photo or something, maybe with both pre- and post-transformation versions of the characters for the full effect. Including characters from EVERY story would lead to quite a crowd, though, so maybe just MGP and ViD would be enough? On the other hand, I think Taralynn’s Desk is 15 this year, MGP is turning 9 on December 28th (15 next June 21st if you count Alpha), and ViD is turning 5 next January 12th, so maybe that’s an angle to go for.

    1. I don’t have the funds to do something with tons of characters. Probably just a single character

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