Quarter of the way

Ladies and gentlemen we have hit chapter 25 of Magical Girl Policy! Can I get a, “what! what!”? No? No I can’t? Well, how about you just read it then? Cool!

Potentially great news in the world of Taralynn. I have a phone interview for a full-time job tomorrow. Don’t know if any of you are religious or not but, regardless, if you have some diety you like to worship or honor or something, offering a little prayer in my favor won’t go unappreciated 🙂

Also, this isn’t related to anything, but I saw this and I have to share it. I mean, seriously, watch that video and you cannot be sad. It’s the most adorable thing ever.

Enjoy the chapter!

3 thoughts on “Quarter of the way”

  1. Best wishes, and the blessings of Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and skill in Battle, be with you on your interview tomorrow! (And what is an interview other than a battle, though not a physical one, to show your worth over the other candidates.)

  2. Good luck Taralynn – really hope and pray that you get the job. That bear in the hammock was so cute 🙂

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