MGP 24 posting updated! Coming a week earlier! And other stuff!

So the more I wrote Chapter 24 the more I felt it’d be better if it was a shorter chapter. THe more I thought about it, the more I felt the next couple of chapters should be shorter in nature. For that reason I’m moving up my posting schedule a bit. Instead of coming to you on the 30th, Chapter 24 will arrive on the 23rd. I expect a pretty quick turnaround to the next chapter too so you’re probably looking for chapter 25 to arrive on the 7th of July, I believe. I’m not sure just yet on what all will go into Chapter 26 but if it’s another short chapter that could be another quick one to two week turnaround. So yay.

In other news, I’ve gotten really good feedback from people on S.C.I.R.T. and I just wanted to say thanks for all the kind messages about enjoying it. It’s sort of really different from anything I’ve done before so it’s nice to hear that it’s working on some level. Just a reminder that once we reach $180 in pledges I’ll get the dossier on DEBUTANTE #00B: Red Velvet up.

Lastly, it surprised me to hear how many people really liked Robynne’s new gamer handle, Waveform. A few of you made reference or outright said how you liked how it has several double meanings. In the interest of understanding audience headspace and expectations, would you all like to maybe elaborate on that point a bit? If you’d rather not do it in public I accept email as well at 🙂

Thanks for your patience,

3 thoughts on “MGP 24 posting updated! Coming a week earlier! And other stuff!”

  1. I did mention specifically that I really liked the handle Waveform (though in the real world it would have a decent chance of being taken by someone somewhere) because it had a number of both hidden and obvious meanings. A name you give yourself (for me anyway) has personal meaning about you as a person. In this case, Waveform not only refers to the literal waveform, used heavily in engineering, but also represents something that is constant in Robynne’s suddenly shaken up life, her knowledge, intelligence, and interests. A waveform in its base form is also very even and calm (or serene, if you will), and may also invoke the image of soft waves at a shore, another relaxing image. The word also ties into Robynne’s water element and all the connotations that go into that (the symbolism for water as it applies to Rob is just too long to list out) as well as referring to her powers as Spirit Guard Serenity. It therefore is a cool sounding name that has more meaning the more about Robynne you know, from the basic “is an ME major” or “considers water her element” up through “Robynne is Spirit Guard Serenity and uses water to fight monsters”.

    Anyway, that’s my thoughts on the matter, and while I could go into even more detail (you can email me at if you want more I suppose), I think that’s already long-winded enough for the matter.

    Hopefully this helps!


  2. Maybe I’m too much of an over-sexed math geek, but I immediately thought of a sine wave and how two waves from that would sort of make the outline of breasts.

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