Here for October, 3 part Pip comic!

So I’m really excited! I wanted to do something to reward you all for being so patient with me the past month or so. So I did a very special commission from Pip. Instead of doing a regular commission I did a bigger one from Pip. So we are, this month, having a 3 part comic drawn by him. I’ll post one page of it each week. So, for your viewing pleasure, here is page 1:

Now, because people WILL ask, no, this comic is not cannon. It’s, in fact, not how characters would most likely act in universe. But you don’t hire Pip for a comic commission and worry about something as trite as “cannon” 😉 Think of it as a story that happens in the universe two houses over from the MGP-Prime universe. We’ll call that the MGPipverse. Frankly, it’s more entertaining over there. If a coup was staged to put Pip in charge of my universe I wouldn’t be insulted. I mean, I’d be hurt but not insulted. I’d be hurt because any coup over me will be violent as it’s the only way I’m going down. You come at me, you better come at me with both guns blazing!

In other news, chapter is coming along and so is the October Pin-up. Next time I post, I should also be asking for questions and votes for the November Q&A and the December Pin-up respectively. Speaking of the Q&A, the October Q&A is up! So go ahead and run on over and read it. Thanks to my patrons for submitting questions and I look forward to follow-ups next month 🙂

Okay, back to work!

3 thoughts on “Here for October, 3 part Pip comic!”

  1. Heh, it’s a fun comic. But for me the real highlight was your paragraph describing its non-canon status. It made me laugh IRL.

    Also, yay Ghostbusters! I feel special to have my question answered, haha.

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