Chapter 6 commentary posted! Also, need your help!

Hi-ho everyone! I just want to say thanks to all my wonderful Patrons! We are now making Chapter 5 of the MGP Fan Commentary available for download and it’s all thanks to them that we are getting this humor. Speaking of, thanks to Françoise, Gavin, Michael, Shadowmaster, & UNSpacey for leaving their funny comments. I’m also just trying to get a feel for who all is actually reading the stuff so if you could let me know here so I could sort of get a head count, that’d be great!

In other news, if you’re one of my $5 or up patrons on, I’ve already sent the invitation for you to start commenting on Chapter 6. Comment away!

So, over on my patreon page, I started a conversation on the names of the wide and varied hair colors of MGP and I was looking for help. The conversation was interesting enough that I’m deciding to carry it over here:

The crux of my situation is that I have all these hair colors and they should have names to them but some of the names are, to quote Sloth, “Meh.” Here is the list of words I have and which ones I’m sold on and others I’m not:

  • Red- Scarlette- pronounced with emphasis on second syllable- all set
  • Orange- Not talking natural redheads but people with true orange hair. The suggestion is “carrottop” but I’m open to others
  • Yellow- Sunlocks- People seemed to like it- like orange, this isn’t blonde but pure yellow
  • Green- Emerelde- set
  • Blue- Bluenette- set
  • Purple- Violette- set- pronounced vi-o-let
  • White- I’m thinking “snowcappe”
  • Pink- the word I got right now is “candymane” but… meh. Some have suggested using “rose” as a root word but, to me, rose brings to mind pure red. Is that only for me or do more people think it’d indicate pink?

So, if you think you have a good suggestion for these colors (or a color I might be skipping over) please keep in mind that these colors are indigenous to the Kessia City area so the words would have to be words people there are familiar with. Please also be aware I’m worried about how people reading them think of the words. Someone sees “violette” and, given the rest of the story, I think they pick up very quickly I’m talking about purple hair. I want the words to be unique but quickly portray the color they are talking about. Your guys’ input would be great!

Next up, the MGP TVTropes page has been active! I don’t know who is updating it and putting Magical Girl Policy notes in other Trope pages but, if you’re doing it, you have no idea how much I appreciate it! First and foremost, I get super excited when I see something I’ve made on a trope page. I don’t know why, but it just feels awesome. Secondly, it’s generating traffic to the story and the more readers the better! Thanks so much Tropers!

Just to let everyone know, I’ve completed the writing for Chapter 21 and we are in the editing phase. It is on schedule to be posted in a week’s time and I’m excited! Also, for those of you who are my patrons, this month’s vignette “Dungeon Direct Response” will be posted May 1st without incident! And I think it’s going to be a fun one! It will be featuring Devon, vaunted store clerk of Dungeon Direct and what his response to the Day LaMode attack was. I could use some help though. I need someone to come up with a good alternative name for MGP-realm Dr. Pepper.

Lastly, if you’d like to become a Patron, give that image in the top right a click! We are at $134 a month and are just $16 away from my stretch goal! If we hit $150, boom, two updates a month! Then we can start on the next stretch goal of $300 a month where I’ll be doing a bonus side story involving super heroes! #shamelssselfpromotion 😛

See you all in a week!

8 thoughts on “Chapter 6 commentary posted! Also, need your help!”

  1. I know in french rose means pink, so you could say that pink hair is rosé (From my experience with french, pronounced ro-sey).

  2. Moreover, rose is a shade of pink. There are a few overlaps with pink and red; Amaranth, Carmine. Cerise, Crimson, Folly, Fuchsia, Magenta, Pink, Rose, and Ruby. I’m not an expert on colors, but Rose does look pink, however, American Rose is a different story…

  3. Continuing on from the previous post, pink has been defined as a hue range of 321 to 355 (321-330 is magenta-pink, and 346-355 is a pink-red). Since the color rose by definition has a hue of 330, it is actually a magenta-pink.

  4. While I know rose is defined in the pink range I myself never think of it as such. It’s a connotation vs. denotation for me. Same goes for Crimson and Ruby. I’m not really familiar with the colors Amaranth, Carmine, Cerise, or Folly so I hesitate to use those. But Fuchsia or Magenta… I feel we can work with that somehow…
    Magentine? Fuschsite? Or maybe something like “peachtop”? Thoughts?

  5. For orange hair, I personally think carrothead has a better ring to it than carrottop. But that’s just my opinion.

  6. Here is an interesting idea: Melonhead for pink. other shades of pink that has connotations of being pink are salmon, coral, Barbie, blush, bubble gum, cherry blossom, flamingo. Other lesser known pinks are kobi and mulberry.

  7. Possible names for white haired people: Ivore (from ivory), something that has to do with vanilla, or your snowcappe.
    Colors that are orange: Pumpkin, carrot, tangerine, cinnabar (vermillion), persimmon.
    Anyways, since this person has no money (students have no spending money), information is the best I can offer.

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