Mountains of fanart

Okay, so, lots of art. I’m going to go through this in the order I got it. Or the order I remember getting it. Those are close to the same things. They likely are, anyway. I hope. Maybe. Okay, moving on. Because of all these images this will be a longer post and you can click on any image to get a bigger version.

First is cheating and old. I commissioned some art from the Pipmeister a long time ago. I mean, like, I think it was in March or April or something. And I just realized I never hyped it up. He drew the other Spirit Guard for me. I gave descriptions and he put his own flares on them. My personal favorite of the batch is Felicity because… well, that pose is SOOOOO Felecity. I also just like the “Bring it on!” look that Tenacity has going. Valor her normal, beautiful and regal self. And we can all see why our resident bluenette has caught the attention of Eli.

Okay, next up on the list is me no longer cheating as these are true fanarts (ie: I didn’t pay for them XD). First one comes to us from Rhys who decided to take a break from drawing monsters like Polygal and decided to honor Tenacity’s badassitude with his own rendition. What I really like about his is that you can see her athleticism in her frame. She’s strong. She’s an athlete. And I like how he has her shorts that they wear under their outfits poking out from under her skirt. For some reason I feel it somehow accentuates her power, though I’m not sure how. A mystery for another day.

Rhys brought up an interesting idea of throwing sparkle effects over the Spirit Guard in his art (but not being able to do it with his current editor) to sort of simulate the idea of the Disconnection Effect. Sort of a visual cue to remind the viewer that normal people can’t figure out who the Spirit Guard are. I don’t know if I’d put it in story but it definitely fits the magical girl genre and I definitely have to consider it.

The next one comes from Theo who sort of came up with… I’d almost call it MGP clip art. I got his permission to use his art assets he created for a future MGP header image (since my old one is rather dated. I frankly love what he did with the staff of Felicity and the sword of Tenacity. Felicity’s staff now looks more mage-y (totally a word) instead of the original bo-staff I imagined and I love it. Fits more with the Scholar-role she has. Tenacity’s sword looks unique without being as over the top as my original design. And Serenity’s daggers… ooooo. I love the daggers! I hadn’t thought of the little barb at the end before but other than that this is basically how I imagined them… and I really like the barb! XD

I liked them so much, Theo decided to render them. With extreme detail. And my dear sweet goodness they look amazing! I love that he went with that sort of marbled look. In chapter 14 I talked about the ripple patterns in the blade. I was imagining something like Damascus steel and I feel… I mean… just look at it! They are fit for a magical girl!

LOOK AT IT! First of all, it looks so stinking real! Second of all, I love the sort of “frosty” look to the daggers. Like they are part ice. These weapons look right in place in World of Wa… I mean Aspect Realms. ^_^;;
The last one is of me and Pip actually. If you follow Pip on his dA page then you’ve already seen it but I’ll put it up here for those who don’t. Let’s just say this is an important lesson in asking what I mean when I request you help me out with coming up with monsters for MGP.

And that’s the fanart! Whoo! I shouldn’t let those build up. But I do. But big thanks to Pip, Rhys, and Theo for their art. I really appreciate all the love you all have given to my little story. I hope I can continue to be your art muses.

In other news I don’t have the art done for November yet but it’ll get done sometime next week. Until then, enjoy your interobang preview image XD

See you all on the flip side,

1 thought on “Mountains of fanart”

  1. These are all pretty awesome pieces! I thought that render was a picture for a second and was gaping; wow, those do look real. O_O

    Considering that we’ve moved up to a college age for this story, I rather like the idea behind “Speed Trap” there, probably shows up after parties or hangs around places that need to be monitored before driving off. I have no idea what “Honey Hickory” even would be though, even looking at what you’re carrying there. Literally all I can think of is bees, and I can’t imagine what they’d have to do with anything (hanging outside in a highly populated area near the campus maybe? I don’t know).

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